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  • Do I need to call School’s Out if I called the elementary school to let them know my child will be out?
    Yes. School’s Out is separate from the elementary school. To ensure the safety of the children we must verify our attendance.
  • What if I’m going to be late to pick up my child?
    Please contact the site: Eagle: (518) 439-0195 -or- Elsmere: (518) 478-0897 -or- Enrichment Center: (518) 478-9298 -or- Glenmont: (518) 463-1063 -or- Hamagrael: (518) 439-6025 -or- Slingerlands: (518) 478-9517 -or- Parents of children who remain past 6:00 p.m. (or 5:45 p.m. in the summer) will be charged $1 per child per minute.
  • If I sent a note to school that my child is going on the bus or being picked up, do I need to tell SOI?"
    Yes, please contact the site: Eagle: (518) 439-0195 -or- Elsmere: (518) 478-0897 -or- Enrichment Center: (518) 478-9298 -or- Glenmont: (518) 463-1063 -or- Hamagrael: (518) 439-6025 -or- Slingerlands: (518) 478-9517 -or-
  • What do I need to do if my child will not be at the program?
    Please contact the site: Eagle: (518) 439-0195 -or- Elsmere: (518) 478-0897 -or- Enrichment Center: (518) 478-9298 -or- Glenmont: (518) 463-1063 -or- Hamagrael: (518) 439-6025 -or- Slingerlands: (518) 478-9517 -or-
  • If my child is in the program and I need additional care, what can I do?"
    You are allowed up to three (3) instances of using a program your child is not normally signed up for, providing you have made the request in advance with the Program Registrar;
  • Why do I need to sign my child in and/or out?
    NYS School Age Child Care Regulations require this. The person must be at least 16 years old.
  • What happens when school is dismissed early due to inclement weather?
    In the event of Bethlehem School District delays, early dismissals, or closings, SOI will be listed on all the major television and radio stations. When the Bethlehem School District dismisses early or cancels afterschool activities, SOI after school program will be closed.
  • What happens when school is delayed in the morning due to inclement weather?
    In the event of Bethlehem School District delays, early dismissals, or closings, SOI will be listed on all the major television and radio stations. When the Bethlehem School District has any delay in the morning, School’s Out, Inc. morning programs will be closed.
  • What happens when school is closed due to inclement weather?
    When the Bethlehem School District is closed, all of the School’s Out, Inc. programs are closed.
  • Where is the “lost & found?”
    Inquire at the site that your child attends.
  • How are the children split when going outside, to the gym or during snack?"
    Indoor & outdoor gross motor activities are split based on age-group (i.e. K-2nd & 3rd-5th) A peanut-free table is available at each site for children with allergies.
  • What time do the buses arrive at the Enrichment Center site?
    A current schedule can be found at either the Enrichment Center or by contacting the Bethlehem Transportation Department.
  • Can you make sure my child does homework at program?
    Site Managers strive to provide a quiet homework area depending upon the space available. School’s Out, Inc. staff cannot provide private tutoring for homework and will not force a child to do homework. However, School’s Out offers a “homework contract,” an agreement between you and your child that he or she will try to work on homework for a certain amount of time each day. The Site Manager would be happy to help you and your child with this contract.
  • What is SOI's home toy policy?
    All items not permitted in the elementary schools will not be allowed in the School’s Out Inc. programs. School’s Out Inc. is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items. Electronics are prohibited when not part of a planned developmentally appropriate program activity per NYS regulations.
  • What are your ID procedures?
    For both the before and after school programs, only parents/guardians or designated adults will be allowed to sign children in or out from the program. If a person other than the designated adults specified on the registration form will be picking up your children, a written note from the parent is required. For the protection of your children and per NYS regulations, identification will be requested (driver’s license or photo ID) at the time of pick-up. SOI asks that parents/guardians please inform the designated adults who are listed as pick-ups or emergency contacts of this policy.
  • What is Half Day Vacation Care?
    When the Bethlehem Central School District has a scheduled early dismissal, School’s Out, Inc. runs a Half Day Vacation Care Program. Parents sign up and pay additionally for these days. Our Half Day Program then runs from school dismissal – 6:00 p.m.
  • What is Full Day Vacation Care?
    When the Bethlehem Central School District is closed all day, School’s Out runs a Vacation Care Program at the Enrichment Center at 239 Delaware Ave, Delmar. Program runs from 7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. On these days we may go on field trips or have a special visitor. Parents sign up and pay additionally for these days.
  • Can parents suggest field trip ideas?
    Parent input is always appreciated.
  • How do you supervise the children while swimming and on field trips off site?
    The children are split in two groups. Buddy checks are performed every 15 minutes for non-swim field trips & every 10 minutes for swim field trips.
  • On half day vacation care days, how will my child get from one site to another site?"
    The Bethlehem Central School District transports the children from school to the Enrichment Center.
  • How will I receive information about where my child will attend on vacation care days?
    A confirmation will be e-mailed on the registration deadline date.
  • Where do I find vacation care information (regarding snacks, times, necessary items, etc.)?"
    Information will be found on the confirmations sent on the registration deadline date.
  • What happens if there is a large amount of snow on a Vacation Care day?
    Snow closings, delays and early dismissals will be announced on TV and radio, as they are for regular school days.
  • Where is the “lost and found” for vacation care items?
    Lost and found items from vacation care are returned to the SOI Main Office. Please contact to assist in locating items.
  • What type of field trips do you take?
    The children travel to a variety of field trips including: rollerskating, museums, theatres, bowling, parks & more!
  • What is the daily schedule like?
    Full Day & Half Day Vacation Care Days are filled with a variety of activities including: * STEAM * Art/ Craft * Gross Motor/Field Games * Team-Building * Music * Health & Nutrition * Theme Activities * Nature
  • Where is your Summer Camp Program located?
    Our Summer Camp Program is located at the Enrichment Center; 239 Delaware Ave, Delmar NY 12054.
  • How do I know if my child is eligible for camp?
    The summer program is located at the Enrichment Center located at 239 Delaware Ave, Delmar and is open to rising first (1) – sixth (6) grade children. Children must be enrolled for a full week, Monday through Friday. Children may be enrolled for as many weeks as the summer program operates, providing there is space available.
  • What are the hours?
    Program runs from 7:30 a.m. – 5:45 p.m.
  • What is a weekly schedule like?
    The program follows exciting weekly themes and field trips. Daily activities include: STEAM, Art, Health/ Nutrition, Team-Building, Gross Motor, Nature, Music, Water activities & Special Events. AM/PM snack are provided.
  • What is the ratio of children to staff during the summer?
    School’s Out, Inc. is required to maintain a minimum ratio of 1:10 under the age of 10 years old. The required ratio for children aged 10 & above is 1:15. When traveling, the ratios decrease to 1:5 for children aged 5-7 & 1:8 for children aged 7-10. Children unable to independently work within these mandated ratios may be unable to continue in the program.
  • What is School's Out's policy for swimming?
    Parents/ Guardians will be required to fill out a swimming permission slip upon summer registration. The children will be swimming in State licensed pools and Parks with certified lifeguards. Children are allowed in chest deep water only. Each child will be paired with a buddy while swimming. Every 10 minutes a buddy check will be conducted. An orange program flag is used to remind the children that School’s Out, Inc. is announcing buddy checks.
  • How does School's Out implement sun safety?
    Parents are asked to bring in labeled sunscreen for their child. Staff will supervise children at scheduled times throughout the day to apply sunscreen.
  • What does my child need to bring to camp?
    Children should come prepared with the following: * Sunscreen * Sneakers * Water Bottle * Bagged lunch * Bathing Suit * Towel * Change of Clothes * SOI T-Shirt (on all days traveling) * Backpack
  • Does School's Out have a playground?
    School's Out, Inc has access to the Elsmere Elementary playground, next door.
  • Who transports the children for the weekly field trips?
    All transportation for the daily field trips is through the Bethlehem Central School District Transportation Department.
  • Do I need to register my child for the whole summer?
    School's Out, Inc. Summer Camp Program is a full-week program. Register for as many weeks as you would like!
  • How often are Buddy Checks conducted?
    Buddy checks are done every 10 minutes on swim field trips & every 15 minutes on non-swim field trips.
  • Can I drop off my tuition check at the program site?
    No site can accept payment of any kind. Checks can be dropped off at the School’s Out Main Office. In the event the office is closed, there is a mail slot in the entrance closest to the woods.
  • How do I get my Flex Spending form signed?
    In person: It can be signed at the School’s Out office between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. daily. Mail to: School’s Out, Inc., 239 Delaware Ave., Delmar, NY 12054 Fax to: (518) 439-0404 Email to:
  • What are my payment options?
    Payment options include: * Tuition Express Automatic Payment * Tuition Express One-Time Online Payment * MyProcare Payment * Check * Credit Card/Cash Payment at School's Out, Inc Main Office
  • How do I get SOI t-shirts for my children?
    T-shirts are available for sale only during the summer.
  • How do I receive my tuition bill?
    Your bill is emailed once a month.
  • What are the hours of the School’s Out office?
    The main office hours are 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
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